
Workshop Title [Workshop 1] Bio-Inspired Robot Navigation and Control in Unknown and Limited Visibility Environments
Organizers Dr Sridhar Ravi1, Dr Kathryn Kasmarik1, Mr Donald Sofge2, Dr Shadi Abpeikar1 and Dr Asanka Perera1
1School of Engineering and Information Technology- University of New South Wales (UNSW)- Canberra
2US Naval Research Laboratory
Date/Time/Place June 26(Mon) & Half day (13:00-17:50)
Abstracts & Program:
Time Speaker  Affiliation  Presentation Title 
1300–1310  Dr Sridhar Ravi University of New South Wales  Workshop Introduction
1310–1330    Ms Lee Sharma Naval Research Laboratory   Flying by ear: Unmanned air vehicle sensing and control using passive acoustics
1335 – 1355 Prof Kathryn Kasmarik University of New South Wales Swarming collective motion and stigmergy for ground vehicles in unknown environments
1400 – 1420 Dr Toshiyuki Yasuda University of Toyama Minimal approach to cooperative exploration and transport for a swarm of miniature robots with response-threshold models
1425-1445 Dr Simon Wilshin RGC (Royal Veterinary College)  Surface detection and avoidance by nano-UAVs using multimodal sensor integration  
1445–1505  Afternoon Tea Break 
1505–1525  Prof Rolf Mueller Virginia Tech Navigating unknown environments in the dark inspired by bats 
1530–1550  Dr Sridhar Ravi  University of New South Wales  Hummingbirds flying in near darkness and bees contending with obstacles in their flightpath: Some insights from birds and insects dealing with limited visibility and unknown environments
1555–1615  Mr Donald Sofge   Naval Research Laboratory Emergent Area Exploration and Coverage Behaviors in Artificial Fireflies Using Light Sensing and Emitting 
1620 – 1640  Prof Fumio Kojima AOARD AOARD
1645 – 1705 Dr Asanka Perera University of New South Wales Multi-robot coordination for gas source localization and mapping
1705–1740  All Discussion session: What are the main challenges to achieving navigation in limited visibility/unknown environments?
How can we collaborate to overcome some of these challenges?
Workshop Title [Workshop 2] Robotics for Manufacturing Processes and Systems
Organizers Junghoon Hwang (KETI)
Jaeseon Lee (KITECH)
Date/Time/Place June 28(WED) & 09:00-12:00
Abstracts & Program:
This Workshop aims to share research results of robotic technology related to Manufacturing Processes and Systems. In this session, the research results that are currently in progress between members belong to “Technical Committee on Manufacturing Process and Robotics” will be introduced and there will be open discussions between members related to robot technology related topics of interest.

– JoonHo Seo / KAR, “Research on hazard and reduction measures for industrial robot systems”
– Byungjin Jung et al. / KETI, “Multiple Robot Control software module for flexible manufacturing processes robotization”
– Dongin Shin et al. / KETI, “Leveraging AI technology and applying PoC for robotizing manufacturing processes”
– Jong Wook Lee / KIRIA, “Analysis of the Process Innovation Effectiveness according to the Role of Robots”
– Songmi Lee et al. / KITECH, “A Case Study on the Manufacturing Industry with Robot Consulting Experience”
– Sunghyuk Song / KIMM, “Application of the soft morphing technology in robot: from gripper to mobile robot”
– Hwisu Kim / KIMM, “Counterbalance mechanism for advanced robots: safety and savings”
– Jaeseon Lee / KITECH, “A 3D Robotics Manufacturing Process Simulation Tool”
– Jinwoo Jun, Jinju Kim / KIRIA, “Development of Standards & Certification for Industrial Robots based on Collaborative Intelligence in Korea”

Workshop Title [Workshop 3] Robotics in Bio/Chemical Industry Workshop 2023: Robot application for manufacturing process in Bio/Chemistry
Organizers Lee Dong-Mok (KITECH)
Date/Time/Place June 28(WED) & 09:00-12:00
Abstracts & Program:
The Robotics in Bio/Chemical Industry Workshop 2023 will provide a interdisciplinary platform for researchers, academic scientist, and industry experts to present and discuss the latest achievement in robotics for manufacturing processes in the bio/chemical industry. The workshop will feature the presentations on research achievement, R&D plans for the innovative industrial robots, and a panel discussion to facilitate collaboration between researchers and industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technologies and discuss with leading experts in the field.


Time Program
09:00-09:20 Registration
09:20-09:40 Welcome and opening remarks
09:40-10:00 Session 1 – KIM TAE HEE “Development of Robot Automation for Biomaterial Manufacturing Processes”
10:00-10:20 Session 2 – CHUN HYUN AEE ”Application of Robot Automation for Chemical Manufacturing Processes”
10:20-10:40 Refreshment Breaking
10:40-11:00 Session 3 – CHOO SUNGWON "Development of a standard process model for robotic equipment for cell culture inspection and media change processes"
11:00-11:20 Session 4 – Lee Dong-Mok ”Robot equipment standard process model for digital conversion of medium replacement for cell culture"
11:20-11:50 Panel Discussion "Collaboration between Robotics Researchers and Industry Professionals"
11:50-12:00 Closing remarks
12:00- Networking and refreshments
Workshop Title [Workshop 4] Live Electric Power Line Maintenance Robot System
Organizers Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute
Date/Time/Place June 28(WED) & 13:00-16:00
Abstracts & Program:
The live-line maintenance robot is a type of robot system that is designed to perform maintenance and repair tasks on live electric power lines while they are still energized. This type of robot is typically used in situations where it is either too dangerous or too difficult for human workers to perform the required maintenance tasks.
The live-line maintenance robot is made up of several key components, including a dual-arm control system, a distribution line environment recognition system, and an insulated manipulator design. These components work together to allow the robot to safely and effectively perform maintenance tasks on live power lines.
Some of the benefits of using a live-line maintenance robot include increased safety for workers, improved efficiency, and reduced downtime for power lines during maintenance and repair operations. Overall, the live-line maintenance robot is an important tool for ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to homes and businesses around the world.
This workshop will focus on the development process and results of each part will be discussed, and future plans will be outlined.


Time Program
13:00-13:30 Welcome & Introduce about the live-line maintenance robot
Minhee Choi (KEPRI)
13:30-14:00 About the control strategy for the live-line maintenance robot I
Ji-Hun Bae (KITECH)
14:00-14:30 About the control strategy for the live-line maintenance robot II
Gi-Hun Yang (KITECH)
14:30-15:00 About the current status of the live-line maintenance robot development.
Minhee Choi (KEPRI)
15:00-15:30 Development manipulator for live-line working maintenance robot
Sung-Uk Lee (KAERI)
15:30-16:00 Discussion and Conclusion
“Deriving an efficient test plan for the live-line maintenance robot.”